The Rokuban (sixth) Turret and Japanese pine trees (Photo: Takako Sakamoto)

Ultimate Guide to Osaka Castle: 12

The 1st, 6th and Taiko turrets to Nishinomaru Garden

Takako Sakamoto   - 1分鐘閱讀時間

This photo story is to guide you step-by-step as you explore the Osaka Castle and the Osaka Castle Park. The twelfth leg of the journey begins at the Ichiban (first) Turret to the Rokuban (sixth) Turret, then to the sites of the Minami Shikirimon Gate and the Taiko (drum) Turret. These two turrets (the first and the sixth) are the only turrets remaining out of seven turrets built in 1628 and they are designated as important cultural properties. Also, there is the Nishinomaru Garden to see and enjoy here, but unfortunately when I visited it was closed for maintenance. Maybe next time!


查詢關於Osaka Castle的資訊

Takako Sakamoto

Takako Sakamoto @takako.sakamoto

I was born in and grew up in Tokushima prefecture, and have lived in many places since then: Nishinomiya, Kyoto, Nara, Mie, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Fukuoka and Fukui. I am currently living in Yokohama City. All the places I lived, all the places I visited, I have loved dearly. The histor...