
Odori Park (Odori Koen) is a 13-block open space that stretches 1.5 kilometers from east to west. It is just under 7.9 hectares and is located in the city of Sapporo, on the northern main island of Hokkaido.
In addition to many open-air theaters, monuments, and lavishly laid out flower gardens, the park also houses the landmark of the city of Sapporo, the 147-meter-high television tower, from whose viewing platform you can overlook the park and the city. Another special feature is a maypole, which symbolizes the city partnership between Sapporo and Munich.
The Odori Park is internationally known for the Sapporo Snow Festival, which takes place there every year in February, with its meter-high sculptures made of ice and snow. In addition, various festivals take place there almost all year round. For the Summer Olympics, Odori Park is to serve as the start and endpoint of the marathon.
From the south exit of Sapporo Station, keep walking south for a few blocks until you reach the park. Odori Station (via the Nanboku, Tozai and Toho lines) sits at the east end of the park, while Nishijuichome on the Tozai line is found at the 11th block.
The Sapporo TV Tower is a 147.2 m high radio tower that offers a view of the city and the surrounding mountains from a 360 ° viewing platform at a height of 90.38 m. It is located in the Japane...
[photo] 這次來介紹一家每次去札幌都會去的店 來到北海道 當然要吃湯咖哩啊! 第一次去這家店 是李大樹帶我去吃 我還想說他要帶我去什麼奇怪的地方 因為這家店地處札幌的風化區(薄野) [photo] [photo] 從外觀來看 看起來很像是夜店 不過它就是Sho-Rinススキの本店 而且這家店開的很晚 所以是夜歸背包客的第一首選 (笑) 薄野(すすきの) 是札幌夜生活的重心 所以就算是深夜時分 街上仍舊人來人往 這次跟著同事一起出國旅行 當然要帶著同事來吃北海道名產-湯咖哩 湯咖哩最大的特色 跟普通咖哩完全不同 有著咖哩湯汁及大量的北海道當地蔬菜 另外 這家店有著豬雞羊 但是卻沒有牛肉 (笑) 如果你點了雞腿湯咖哩 會有一支大大的雞腿放在裡面唷 [photo] 看不懂日文菜單的 裡面有中文菜單可以看 而在辣度部份 也有分程度上的差別 0級 完全無害 => 適合小孩子或不吃辣的人食用 1級 普通 => 不想踩地雷的最佳選擇 (小辣) 3級 稍帶辣味 => 應該算是中辣了吧? 5級 激辛 => 可能水要灌多一點了 (科科) 6級以上辣度每一級需加日幣100元 7級 辣到會流汗了 XD [photo] [photo] [photo] 放上幾張照片給大家流流口水吧 蔬菜部份吃起來甜味十足 不愧是北海道產蔬菜啊! 肉質更是沒話講 豬肉吃起來煮的好透 輕輕碰觸一下就化開了 而雞腿在經過長時間熬煮下 用筷子一撥就可以輕易把骨頭取出 有來札幌旅遊 無論你是跟團還是自助 一定要來嘗嘗看 對於這家店三小a給的評分是..............★★★★ 五個★:非常值得強力推薦的店家 不吃不可 四個★:味道不錯 餐點有特色 推薦 三個★:還ok 可以來吃吃看 二個★:普通 但參考價值略偏低 請審慎評估 一個★:看到這個就不用多解釋 就是你想的那樣 一個☆:請以0.5分計分 店名: SHO-RIN本店 地址: 札幌市中央區南5条西3丁目グランド太陽ビル1階 電話: 011-522-2622 營業時間: 平日 11:30-15:00 17:00-04:00 祝日 11:30-24:00 官網:http://www.sho-rin.jp/index.html 網誌原文:http://aaaleopard.pixnet.net/blog/post/28445871
Sapporo Maruyama Zoo is a municipal animal park in Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture. When it opened in 1951, this zoo was the 10 largest in all of Japan, and it is still one of the most popular zoos in the country, ranging from Surrounded by nature. In 2013, the zoo was home to 184 different types of animals. These include numerous mammals, birds, and reptiles. In addition, the zoo is committed to raising various breeds. The philosophy behind the Sapporo Maruyama Zoo is to provide the animals with a natural environment in which its residents can act according to their natural instincts. With the help of modern zoo facilities, the animals can easily share their experiences with the visitors. Last but not least, there is the zoo's forest. A forest area on the edge of the zoo with an area of 2 hectares where you can experience Sapporo from 50 years ago.
This premier stadium in Sapporo, Hokkaido offers visitors a full fan experience, from on-site restaurants to an observatory with a unique view of what's going on. The playing field itself uses a floating technology that rolls the lawn outside the stadium when no games are scheduled so that the green area can benefit from better growing conditions. The natural grass field weighs 8,300 tons, is 120 meters long and 85 meters wide. The stadium is home to the Consadole Sapporo professional soccer team and the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters professional baseball team. Dome tours are offered on days without games or other events. The dome also features an observation tower, a park for children, and a weight training room.
札幌在日本最爲出名的是它的飲食,比如拉麵、比如成吉思汗烤肉、比如湯咖哩、比如生啤酒。如果妳沒有品嘗過這些,那麽妳就不算真正來過札幌。 拉麵 [photo] 札幌拉麵以湯底醇厚,肉質鬆軟,味道香濃而著稱。在日本人心中,札幌拉麵的排名是數一數二的。很多日本人爲在飛雪的冬季品嘗地道的札幌拉麵而特意來到這裡大快朵頤。 在冰雕薄野會場西(地下鐵南北線すすきの站下車),有一條深藏樓中的拉麵橫丁。在最裡面的一家拉麵店裡,用三日熬制成的湯頭澆制而成的拉麵上,堆砌著鮮美酥爛肥瘦相宜的塊狀叉燒肉,伴著招牌的味噌湯底吃一碗,走出十里餘香繞口。 位於札幌車站前ESTA購物大廈10層的拉麵共和國,是喜歡拉面的旅客必到之處。裡面以被稱爲北海道四大拉麵的札幌、旭川、函館、釧路爲中心的8家名店所組成。店內裝修以懷舊爲主題,再現了1945年至55年札幌的街景。 成吉思汗烤肉 [photo] 日本除了北海道等東北地區,很少有人喜歡吃羊肉。而北海道最爲有名的美食之一就是成吉思汗烤羊肉。在以精致清淡聞名的日料中,成吉思汗烤肉的豪放和灑脫成爲北海道最有特色的一道料理。 成吉思汗烤肉的一個特別之處是,不用點蔬菜,一份羊肉贈送一份蔬菜,不用另外付蔬菜的錢。 成吉思汗烤肉相傳從蒙古流傳到日本,用特制的鐵鍋放在炭火上燒烤腌制過的嫩羊肉,配以洋蔥豆芽等蔬菜,佐以特制的燒烤料汁。烤一片嫩肉放入口中,再喝一大口北海道特制的生啤酒,依偎在爐火前,微醺著,輕笑著,這個雪國的冬天,真的很美好。 在冰雕薄野會場北(地下鐵南北線すすきの站下車)有一家成吉思汗烤肉名店,叫だるま(DARUMA),在附近幾條街已經開設了多家分店。 湯咖哩 [photo] 雪國冬天的寒冷是飄於身體表層的,特別是吃了辣辣的湯咖哩後,身體內部産生的熱量足以驅趕走冬日的嚴寒。 用雞牛豬骨加上各種蔬菜熬制的湯底加上香料做成的湯咖哩,極具營養和美味。不同於傳統加面的咖哩,湯咖哩的質感並不像傳統咖啡那般粘稠。吃法也是將米飯和湯咖哩分開,後加入湯裡,如同湯飯依樣吃。 位於北海道大學醫院附近的PICANTE湯咖哩最爲著名,到札幌不能錯過。 螃蟹自助 [photo] 毛蟹、越前蟹及帝王蟹是北海道的三種名蟹。 毛蟹的鮮度最高,蟹身肉厚肥滿;越前蟹的腿比較細長,主要食用腿部。帝王蟹的味道比較清淡沒有腥味,肉質比較有彈性,蟹黃甜美。 在札幌,有很多包含這三種螃蟹自助餐的名店。可以盡情地讓自己沈浸在蟹的饕餮盛宴中。