Evening falls and turns a deep blue. (Photo: Sherilyn Siy)

Terasaka Rice Terraces

A summer festival of lights

Sherilyn Siy   - 1分鐘閱讀時間

In the summer, the Terasaka Rice Terraces near Chichibu are illuminated with over 600 candles in celebration of the magical light of fireflies, which still inhabit the fields. This year's festival was from June 30 to July 2nd. On the last day, there were stage events from 5 to 9 p.m.  The nearest station is Yokoze Station along the Seibu Chichibu Line. From the station, the rice terraces are about a 15-20 minute walk but free shuttle services are available on the festival days. Other nearby attractions include Mt. Buko and Buko Onsen. 

Sherilyn Siy

Sherilyn Siy @sherilyn.siy

For Sherilyn Siy, Asia is home. Born in Hong Kong, Sherilyn spent time in the Philippines, China, and now lives in Japan. She speaks English, Filipino, Chinese (or putonghua), and Hokkien, her family's local dialect. Running is one of her favorite ways to explore Japan. She proudly finished the 2...