Yakuoin Temple

51 評論
照片由: e X p o s e / Shutterstock.com

Formally known as Takao-san Yakuo-in Yuki-ji, the Buddhist temple of Yakuo-in (薬王院) was established in 744 and is devoted to tengu.



2177 Takaomachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-8686, Japan (路線)


8:00 - 16:00 Closed now


星期一 8:00 - 16:00
星期二 8:00 - 16:00
星期三 8:00 - 16:00
星期四 8:00 - 16:00
星期五 8:00 - 16:00
星期六 8:00 - 16:00
星期天 8:00 - 16:00
假期 8:00 - 16:00


+81 42-661-1118


Yakuoin Temple


  • 5 星 1
  • 4 星 0
  • 3 星 0
  • 2 星 0
  • 1 星 0



Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest

Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest

Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest is located in the beautiful landscape of Sagamihara, Kanagawa, just an hour away from the heart of Tokyo's Shinjuku. This expansive complex is a paradise for adventure-seekers, nature enthusiasts, and those simply seeking relaxation amidst the tranquility of nature. The resort's appeal lies in its wide range of attractions that cater to every taste and age group. From the thrilling rides of the amusement park to the relaxing natural hot springs, Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest offers an unforgettable experience for all visitors. As spring unfolds across the landscape, the resort undergoes a stunning transformation, featuring more than 2,500 cherry trees—the largest collection in Kanto. Visitors can enjoy a magnificent showcase of nature's beauty as the delicate blossoms adorn the surroundings in shades of pink and white. Additionally, the resort hosts the largest illumination event in Kanto. The amusement park offers a variety of thrilling rides and attractions for those seeking excitement. Inspired by the famous Fujikyu Highland, the park features high-speed roller coasters, gravity-defying swings, sports challenges, and intricate mazes, ensuring there's something for every family member to enjoy. In the midst of the excitement of the park, guests can also find moments of serenity and relaxation in the resort's hot springs. Tucked away in the forested shores of Lake Sagami, these natural hot springs offer a rejuvenating retreat for visitors. The resort offers a variety of accommodation options, from traditional camping sites to cozy cottages equipped with modern amenities. Overnight guests are treated to complimentary access to both the hot springs and the amusement park.

神奈川 距離5公里


Victo Chiang

[photo] [photo] 有去過東京的朋友, 是否對右邊那棟建築有點印象呢? 不是要帶大家來逛賣場, 要去左邊中央高速バス搭車去看さがみ湖イルミリオン(相模湖燈祭)。 [photo] [photo] 這可是日本關東地區最大的點燈活動, 從東京市區到達相模湖是一個半小時左右車程, 雖然有好幾種交通方式可以選擇, 強烈建議當天從新宿搭中央高速バス原車往返, 今年活動雖然是從11/9到隔年4/13(1/7之前天天都有 1/7之後只有星期五六日及假日才有), 但中央高速バス只有在11/30到隔年1/5間運行, 如果你是這段時間要前往的朋友, 可以利用網路訂票先進行購買, 訂票程序相當簡單, 來回車資只要2700日幣, 下車時會再收500日幣入場料金, 不過仍然值得來參觀, 如果不是的話,那就得利用電車, 交通方式跟候車轉車就會比較麻煩點。 中央高速バス訂票網址 http://www.sagamiko-resort.jp/illumillion/access/#bus [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] 由於去年前往沒有帶腳架, 拍出來的照片好慘,請大家多多見諒擔待, 展場主要會分成好幾個區塊主題, 所以範圍真的相當大, 由於活動是在山裡舉辦, 夜晚氣溫會蠻低的,請多準備保暖衣物, 從來沒有感受到過這麼大範圍的燈祭, 那種感覺是有別於每年12月期間限定的神戸ルミナリエ , 畢竟400萬顆燈泡搭配音樂的聲光效果還是不小。 [photo] [photo] [photo] 第一張照片右上方那個圓圓的是摩天輪, 那邊也是燈祭的範圍, 不過那時逛的太悠閒了,來不及走到最上面就開始往下移動, 因為這裡本來就是小型的遊樂園, 所以下面兩張園區裡的遊樂設施也成為燈泡佈置的重點, 第二張是小型雲霄飛車,第三張是迷宮。 [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] 逛完整座小山後,能看到有個小空地不少人聚在那, 原來主辦單位在這邊準備火爐讓遊客取暖, 還有販賣餐飲的攤位有熱食可以讓人選購, 在寒冷的天氣裡吃碗熱呼呼的湯麵, 真的是超~~~~幸福的! 名稱:さがみ湖イルミリオン(相模湖燈祭) 日期:2013/11/09~2014/04/13(1/7之前天天都有 1/7之後只有星期五六日及假日才有) 時間:17:00〜21:30 ※最終入場時間21:00 地址:神奈川県相模原市緑区若柳1634 電話:042−685−1111 門票:中學生以上500日幣、小孩300日幣 官網:http://www.sagamiko-resort.jp/illumillion/ 更多的照片請看 [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] 影片請參考網誌原文: http://aaaleopard.pixnet.net/blog/post/39007900

神奈川 9.6k