Sumiyoshi Taisha

51 評論
Sumiyoshi's four main halls (Photo: Sumiyoshi Taisha – jpellgen (@1179_jp) / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Sumiyoshi Taisha, also known as Sumiyoshi Grand Shrine, is one of the most famous shrines in Osaka and one of the oldest in Japan. During hatsumode, the first shrine visit of the new year, over two million people visit this unique shrine. The shrine grounds are a picture of tranquility with vermillion shrine buildings, natural beauty, and glimmering water.



2 Chome-9-89 Sumiyoshi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka (路線)


6:30 - 17:00 Closed now


星期一 6:30 - 17:00
星期二 6:30 - 17:00
星期三 6:30 - 17:00
星期四 6:30 - 17:00
星期五 6:30 - 17:00
星期六 6:30 - 17:00
星期天 6:30 - 17:00
假期 6:30 - 17:00






Sumiyoshi Taisha is a 3-minute walk from Sumiyoshi Taisha Station on the Nankai Main Line or Sumiyoshitorii-Mae Station on the Hankai Tramline.


Sumiyoshi Taisha


  • 5 星 1
  • 4 星 0
  • 3 星 0
  • 2 星 0
  • 1 星 0






[photo] 這次的日本京阪之旅,不只吃的是米其林,住的也是米其林。來到大阪的第一個下榻處,是位於大阪城公園東北邊的大阪新大谷飯店,該飯店在2014的關西米其 林指南中獲得黑三的評價。這裡簡單說一下米其林的評鑑等級,在旅館方面分為十個等級,圖案是一間房子至五間,又分紅、黑兩色,紅色優於黑色。 [photo] 新大谷飯店位於大阪城公園旁,就在地鐵大阪商業公園1號出口旁,交通十分便利。如果是從關西空港前來,搭乘南海電鐵到天下茶屋轉乘地鐵堺筋線到長堀橋,再轉乘長堀鶴見綠地線到大阪商業公園即可到達。 雙人房(房價查詢: [photo] 豪華雙人床房有兩張單人床,窗戶採落地窗的設計,因此光照面積十分大,照亮滿室。床硬度適中,睡起來十分舒適,尤其枕頭特別好睡,一躺下就不知不覺一覺到天明。 [photo] 另外也有雙人大床的房間,適合情侶、夫妻一起住,房裡附設兩張椅子與小茶几。 [photo] 此外,由於旅館是面向大阪城的關係,因此每個房間只要把窗簾拉開,都可以看到大阪城公園的全貌,當然也可以看到大阪城天守閣,景色非常好呀! [photo] 浴室就沒有乾濕分離的設計了,不過浴缸有設拉簾,可以避免沖澡時,水花濺到外面地板。吹風機與一次性衛浴用品也都俱全。馬桶自然是日本人最愛的免治馬桶了,再這種寒冷的冬天,免治馬桶簡直就是神器,都不用擔心馬桶座冰涼刺骨,儘管坐下去就對了。 新大谷飯店不僅交通便利,其房間的景觀也算是大阪市內相當難得的,畢竟窗外就是大阪城天守閣的風景也不是每家旅館都能有的,而且幾乎所有的房間都可見到。 而如果要逛街的話,大阪商業公園地鐵站就在飯店旁邊,上車之後可直達心齋橋,若要轉去梅田也很方便,換個車就可以到達。而如果要去來大阪必去的景點大阪城 的話,更是方便,從飯店大門出來,過個橋就到了大阪城公園,往裡走約15至20分鐘可到達天守閣。當然,其實在旅館就能看到天守閣了,如果是櫻花季的話, 從房間便能從高處欣賞公園裡的櫻花,省去人擠人的不適。 大阪新大谷飯店 Hotel New Otani Osaka 地址:大阪市中央区城見1-4-1 電話:06-69411111 訂房網站: Agoda推薦大阪住宿 大阪蒙特利格拉斯梅爾飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 大阪瑞士南海飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 梅田地標 飯店@梅田/尼崎#梅田站 新大阪心齋橋飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站#地鐵心齋橋站 大阪難 波花飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 庫勒納巴 飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 大阪心齋橋西佳飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站#地鐵心齋橋站 十字飯店@難波/心齋 橋#JR難波站 大阪 遠景正大飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 大阪日航飯店 @難波/心齋橋#JR難波站#地鐵心齋橋站 大阪格蘭比亞飯店@梅田/尼崎#大阪站 西梅 田哈頓飯店@梅田/尼崎#大阪站 一致飯店@新大阪# 西中島南方 延伸閱讀:[旅館] 大阪 Hotel Mikado[旅館] 大阪 東洋旅館

大阪 7.2k



[photo] 從道頓堀走回旅館的路上,途經日本橋附近,無意中看到了這家名店天地人,記得天地人的燒肉丼頗有名氣,但已經吃了不少東西,不知道還能不能吃下這麼一碗飯,可機會有限,所以還是決定進來一飽口福。 [photo] 與許多營業到深夜的食堂一樣,天地人的空間不大,僅有吧台式的座位,每次來日本,總是在深夜裡找這樣的小店吃個宵夜,特別令人懷念的時刻,在台灣還真不容易有這麼樣的一個空間的店家。 [photo] 其實天地人主要的餐點是拉麵啊,豚丼是其次的餐點。燒肉丼最有名的大概是北海道帶廣市的豚丼吧,之前在關東的川崎吃過一碗帶廣豚丼,印象頗為深刻。豚丼(並)¥730 [photo] 醬色深褐發亮的燒豚肉,肉質偏瘦只帶了點肥肉,據說元祖的帶廣豚丼就是以瘦肉為主。不過天地人沒有特別說明是帶廣風格的豚丼,還是別以帶廣豚丼的標準來看才是。燒肉撒上一把蔥花,米飯淋上鹹甜的醬汁,燒肉口感較硬實些,不過也彈脆,因為沒什麼肥肉,所以顯得口感較乾,沒那麼柔軟。味道則是鹹中帶甜,有著炭燒的焦味,其實口味倒有點接近傳統的台灣烤肉風味,重鹹而下飯。或許是瘦肉為主,沒有肥肉故而口感不夠柔軟,所以我對這碗豚丼只感到一般滋味,但若不喜肥肉的人,應該會喜歡這燒豚的口感,畢竟不那麼油膩。 Agoda推薦大阪住宿 大阪蒙特利格拉斯梅爾飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 大阪瑞士南海飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 梅田地標 飯店@梅田/尼崎#梅田站 新大阪心齋橋飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站#地鐵心齋橋站 大阪難 波花飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 庫勒納巴 飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 大阪心齋橋西佳飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站#地鐵心齋橋站 十字飯店@難波/心齋 橋#JR難波站 大阪 遠景正大飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 大阪日航飯店 @難波/心齋橋#JR難波站#地鐵心齋橋站 大阪格蘭比亞飯店@梅田/尼崎#大阪站 西梅 田哈頓飯店@梅田/尼崎#大阪站 一致飯店@新大阪# 西中島南方 天地人 地址:日本國大阪府大阪市中央區日本橋2-4-10 日本橋UKビル1F 電話:06-66335533

大阪 7.4k
大阪 本家章魚燒

大阪 本家章魚燒


[photo] 吃完毫無填飽肚子感覺的炸串後,還是決定回到道頓堀尋飽,看到這家本家章魚燒,記得是網路上頗為推薦的,而且很多人排隊,便跟著一起排。 [photo] 價錢相當便宜,六個才300円。 [photo] 章魚非常大塊。之前看PTT說,本家因為占用道路,被趕走,不過我看他們現在有店面了,在一間玩具店旁邊,但是非常之簡陋。 章魚燒/6個¥300 [photo] 本家的章魚燒雖然看起來個頭蠻小的,但是他的章魚很大塊,粉漿的部分比較少,口感一樣是軟綿綿的,咬入口中後,粉漿很快就吃完了,剩下大塊有彈性的章魚, 而且內餡不會很燙,吃起來很順口。醬料部分也是微酸,我發現大阪的麵粉類食品,像大阪燒、章魚燒這類的醬汁,都是很鹹然後帶點酸的味道。本家的章魚燒也沒有加美乃滋,只有醬汁和柴魚。料好實在,難怪會那麼多人推薦和這麼多人排隊,價錢也便宜,不過既然生意那麼好,就租個好一點的店面吧。 本家章魚燒 地址:日本國大阪府大阪市道頓堀商圈內(靠近赤鬼章魚燒旁) 電話:06-62115223 Agoda推薦大阪住宿 大阪蒙特利格拉斯梅爾飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 大阪瑞士南海飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 梅田地標 飯店@梅田/尼崎#梅田站 新大阪心齋橋飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站#地鐵心齋橋站 大阪難 波花飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 庫勒納巴 飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 大阪心齋橋西佳飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站#地鐵心齋橋站 十字飯店@難波/心齋 橋#JR難波站 大阪 遠景正大飯店@難波/心齋橋#JR難波站 大阪日航飯店 @難波/心齋橋#JR難波站#地鐵心齋橋站 大阪格蘭比亞飯店@梅田/尼崎#大阪站 西梅 田哈頓飯店@梅田/尼崎#大阪站 一致飯店@新大阪# 西中島南方 延伸閱讀: [食記] 大阪 權太呂壽司 [食記] 大阪 魚伊鰻魚飯 [遊記] 大阪 天神橋筋商店街 [食記] 大阪 くれおーる章魚燒 [食記] 大阪 Accueilliir 米其林二星 [食記] 大阪 鳥ぷろ [食記] 大阪 新世界 串や

大阪 4.5k
Abeno Harukas

Abeno Harukas

The Abenobashi Terminal Building is located in Abenosuji Itchome, Osaka City. The building is a commercially used multifunctional building and not only houses numerous shops, but also a hotel and the Sharp Cooporation's sales office. The name of the skyscraper is Abeno Harukas, which is derived from the old Japanese word Harukatsu and means to brighten or clear. Construction of the building began in 2010 and it opened on March 7, 2014. With a height of 300 meters and 62 floors, the Abenobashi Terminal building is the tallest skyscraper in Japan and when all floors are taken together it has a walkable area of ​​approximately 100,000 square meters.

大阪 距離4.1公里


Tenshiba is the entrance area to Tennoji Park, which was converted into a free recreation area for the people of Osaka in October 2015. It is laid out around an extensive lawn and surrounded by a variety of recreational facilities for the local population. In the shopping area there is Cafes, restaurants and a farmers market, and there is also a children's playground and a futsal court. There is also an animal park nearby, the Tennoji Zoo. In 2016, the redesigned park won one of Japan's annual Good Design Awards. Entrance is completely free and a free WiFi network is also offered to visitors.

大阪 距離4.2公里
Tsutenkaku Tower

Tsutenkaku Tower

Tsutenkaku Tower, standing at 103 meters tall, is an unmistakable symbol of Osaka and located in the Shinsekai area. The towering 8-sided structure’s facade is characterized by its exposed steel beams and Eiffel Tower-esque appearance. Visitors and residents alike flock to its observation deck for stunning panoramic views of the area. History Tsutenkaku, originally built in 1912 at 63 meters tall, was renowned for its impressive height, making it one of the tallest structures in Asia at the time. The structure’s appearance was modeled after famous French architecture, with the tower portion matching the Eiffel Tower and the base reminiscent of the Arc de Triomphe. The tower was erected as a centerpiece of the bustling area and was attached to the popular amusement park, Luna Park, via a cable car. Unfortunately, the tower was damaged in 1943 by a fire and later dismantled for its steel during WWII. Years later in 1956, after locals campaigned for a new tower, the current Tsutenkaku was constructed at a taller 103 meters tall and designed by famous architect Tachu Naito, who also designed Tokyo Tower. You can view photos, videos, and a diorama of the original tower and Luna Park on Tsutenkaku’s third floor. Today Presently, Tsutenkaku stands as a beacon of the lively area and is a must see spot if you are visiting the Shinsekai. During the day, the structure stands silver against the sky, while at night it shines bright neon thanks to its numerous LED lights that change color with the seasons. The tower is open year-round from 10:00 to 20:00 with admission until 19:30. General observatory tickets cost 900 JPY for adults (high school students and above) and 400 JPY for infants 5 years old and over and junior high and elementary school students. For an additional 300 JPY (adults) or 200 JPY (children and young adults), you can visit Tenbo Paradise and Tip The Tsutenkaku. Listed below are some highlights to help guide your adventures. Explore the Surrounding Area While in the area, be sure to check out the Shinsekai neighborhood for its local wares, delicious eats, and lively atmosphere. Stroll along JanJan Yokocho (JanJan Alley), a covered shopping street, and enjoy the clothes stores, arcade games, and kushikatsu restaurants, which are known for their fried skewers of breaded meat and vegetables. The street is also populated by multiple Shogi, Japanese chess, salons. For a break from the bustling Osaka streets, visit nearby Tennoji Park for a relaxing walk.

大阪 距離4.5公里