Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan

4.52 評論
照片由: MosayMay /

The Kaiyukan in Osaka is the largest aquarium in Japan and at the same time one of the largest in the world. It is located in the Minato district near the port area of ​​Osaka. Opened in 1990, it is one of the largest indoor aquariums with a total water volume of more than 11,000 tons is home to around 620 animal and plant species.


Timed tickets are required for entry currently in order to limit the number of guests per hour.



1 Chome-1-10 Kaigandori, Minato Ward, Osaka, 552-0022 (路線)


10:00 - 20:00 Closed now


星期一 10:00 - 20:00
星期二 10:00 - 20:00
星期三 10:00 - 20:00
星期四 10:00 - 20:00
星期五 10:00 - 20:00
星期六 10:00 - 20:00
星期天 10:00 - 20:00
假期 10:00 - 20:00






  • 收費儲物櫃
  • 適合嬰兒
  • 祈禱室
  • 哺乳室
  • 免費導遊/小冊子
  • 問訊櫃檯
  • Shops


  • 無障礙進出
  • Guide dog access
  • 輪椅出租
  • 多功能洗手間


  • First aid facilities
  • Restaurant
  • Cafe

Language support

  • English
  • Korean


About a 5-minute walk from Osakako Station.


Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan


  • 5 星 1
  • 4 星 1
  • 3 星 0
  • 2 星 0
  • 1 星 0



近畿酒店 (Kinki Hotel)

近畿酒店 (Kinki Hotel)

Hitomi Poon

關西旅行,最受歡迎的酒店地區非難波、心齋橋及梅田莫屬,到底這幾個地區的酒店,哪一個最方便最理想? 這要視行程安排,如果行程只是環繞大阪市內,我會選擇難波或心齋橋,如果行程橫跨神戶甚至姬路、京都奈良等等,想以大阪為中心點的話,論交通安排方面來說,個人認為首選是梅田區的酒店。

大阪 4.2k


Victo Chiang

[photo] 小時候我就很喜歡蛋包飯, 尤其是加了蕃茄醬跟肉絲去炒的飯及薄薄的蛋皮, 之前一直很懷疑為什麼只有在日式料理店才會有它, [photo] 後來才知道蛋包飯是由日本傳過來的。 等到接觸日本旅遊才知道蛋包飯的發源地在大阪, 當然,北極星就一定會列在必訪的店家中, 只是沒想到,它開業也將近百年了耶! [photo] [photo] [photo] 進入店家後, 發現店家很貼心的準備了有鎖的傘架跟鞋櫃, 靠近一看,卻發現原本該是插鑰匙的地方居然插著木牌?! 原來是用木牌來當鑰匙!第一次看到這個耶! 真的是太難得了! [photo] [photo] [photo] 坐定位後點完餐, 就拿出名片仔細看了一下, 正面是店家LOGO,而背面有簡單的地圖, 至少可以不用像我一樣迷路好陣子才找到它。 [photo] [photo] [photo] プチオムライスセット 基本上點這個可以吃到比較多的東西, 除了蛋包飯外,還有奶油螃蟹可樂餅跟炸雞塊, 可能台灣炸雞塊吃習慣了,所以覺得台灣的比較好吃, 不過可樂餅味道就不錯,我蠻喜歡的! [photo] 接下來就是今天的重點, 用湯匙大力的切下去看它的剖面, 蛋皮裡包覆著濕潤的飯粒, 沾些店家特製的醬汁很不賴, 這就是古早味的蛋包飯嗎? O_Q 真的好好吃!我終於吃到它了!! [photo] [photo] 加點了一份炸牡蠣來吃, 好大的炸牡蠣,不過咬下去裡面好燙啊! 一口口都能吃到新鮮的味道, 不過這盤吃下去這熱量可不是開玩笑的。 [photo] 等吃完要結帳離開時, 才發現櫃台有在賣蛋包飯用的醬汁, 所以就順便買一包回台灣試試, 不過我必須說老實話, 即使材料相同但烹調出來的味道還真不可能一樣, 下次我還是直接來店家吃就好。 店名:北極星 地址:大阪市中央区西心斎橋2-7-27 電話:06-6211-7829 營業:11:30~21:30 (L.O. 21:00) 官網: 三小a的部落格 三小a的Facebook

大阪 5.6k



大阪 距離1.3公里
Super Nintendo World

Super Nintendo World

Super Nintendo World opened in spring 2021 inside of Universal Studios Japan. This is another of the special areas of USJ and fans of all ages can look forward to various attractions inside this permanent USJ area. To enter the special Super Nintendo World, guests must book a timed ticket slot when they purchase their USJ entrance ticket (like purchasing and booking tickets for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter). The iconic park is a detailed world reminiscent of Mario’s 3D world complete with the little plumber on the goal pole, piranha plants, and goombas!

大阪 距離1.3公里
Namba Yasaka Shrine

Namba Yasaka Shrine

Namba Yasaka Shrine is a unique and standout destination among Osaka’s sacred spots. Located in the Namba District, Namba Yasaka is famous for its impressive lion head-shaped building called Ema-Den, which measures 12-meters high by 11-meters wide! Ema-Den and the surrounding temple structures are all post-war reconstructions of the original buildings that were destroyed in air raids and fires in 1945. Once you enter the relatively small shrine complex, you will come face-to-face with the fierce Ema-Den. The lion’s eyes, slightly tilted down, seem to stare right at you and its wide mouth reveals pointed teeth. Although the Ema-Den’s appearance is intimidating, its open jaw is meant to swallow evil spirits and leave you with good fortune. Ema-Den becomes even more menacing when the sun goes down and its eyes glow against the night. Why not visit this enormous lion head and let it gobble up your worries? Aside from the lion head, Namba Yasaka Shrine is also a pleasant springtime spot thanks to its numerous cherry blossoms. On the third Sunday of January, Namba Yasaka Shrine becomes home to the Tug-of-War ritual, which is an intangible folk cultural property of Osaka City. The Shinto event is a celebration of the Japanese myth of Susanoo-no-Mikoto who killed the serpent god Yamata-no-orochi and freed people from hardship.

大阪 距離6公里