Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

照片由: ©Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

The Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum combines museum with foodcourt with ramen to create an educational and filling event. The museum opened in 1994 and is dedicated to all things ramen. From the processing of noodles to the variations of broth soup. There is much to learn in the museum’s small, yet full, gallery. With broth soup taste samples daily on the first floor, guests can taste for themselves the differences between three types of broth.



2 Chome-14-21 Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0033 (路線)


11:00 - 21:00 Closed now


星期一 11:00 - 21:00
星期二 11:00 - 21:00
星期三 11:00 - 21:00
星期四 11:00 - 21:00
星期五 11:00 - 21:00
星期六 11:00 - 21:00
星期天 11:00 - 21:00
假期 11:00 - 21:00




  • Shops
  • 禁菸
  • Restroom
  • Designated smoking areas


  • 免費Wi-Fi


  • Vegetarian


A 5-minute walk from Shin-Yokohama Station.



Social Residence Tama Plaza

Social Residence Tama Plaza

Social Residence Tama Plaza is a share house located in Shinishikawa, Aoba Ward in Kanagawa Prefecture. It is an 8-minute walk from Tama-Plaza Station, and it takes only 20 minutes on the Express train to Shibuya station on the Den-en-toshi line. The share house is conveniently located around various amenities such as a supermarket and a shopping centre.

神奈川 距離9公里


Victo Chiang

[photo] [photo] 對我而言,出國遊玩跟享受美食是劃上等號, 所以在機票跟住宿的預算總是希望能少則少, 不過既然都去了,也不要太苛刻自己, 每次行程住一兩家高級飯店奢侈一下也不為過, 就如之前所說,想住好飯店只要提早訂房,通常都有不錯的優惠, 連Pan Pacific Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu(泛太平洋橫濱灣飯店)也不例外, 像這次入住的金額才日幣一萬出頭,房型是面向摩天輪且有陽台的房間, 雖然不含早餐,但已經非常超值! [photo] [photo] [photo] 泛太平洋橫濱灣飯店跟橫濱皇家花園飯店一樣都在橫濱MM21地區, 無論飯店硬體或人員服務都是相當有水準的飯店, 可惜這次來的時間太晚,沒有拍到整個飯店的外觀, 大廳看起來相當豪華,不過整個空間感覺有些複雜, 門禁管制採用的是房卡而不是鑰匙,比起橫濱皇家花園的鑰匙差異好大。 [photo] [photo] [photo] 使用房卡打開門後,可以直接看到整個房間, 房間蠻大的,就算打開兩個大行李箱也還有很充裕的空間, 而且能稍微看到窗外的夜景, 床躺起來也相當軟及舒服, 相信躺在上面能有很不錯的睡眠品質。 [photo] [photo] [photo] 兩張床的中間放著一張床頭櫃, 上面放著電話、面紙、鬧鐘及電視搖控器, 而床的對面就是電視機,旁邊桌上還有熱水壺可使用。 [photo] [photo] [photo] 衣櫃的一邊裡吊著兩件浴袍,地上有拖鞋, 另外一邊由上到下有茶具櫃、保險箱及櫃子, 把抽屜拉開後看到放著兩件睡衣在裡面, 讓有需要的住客可以使用。 [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] 浴廁的空間很大,在住過的飯店裡算很大, 馬桶跟淋浴的地方有各自的空間, 而浴缸跟梳妝台不小,備品方面也相當齊全, 還貼心了準備棉花棒跟髮圈在裡面, 吹風機也直接放在梳妝台上。 [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] 最後是這次住宿的重點-房間陽台上的景色, 走出陽台前要記得要把落地窗兩邊的卡榫打開才能出去, 在陽台就能看到對面的摩天輪,景色真的很不錯, 往右邊拍可以拍到摩天輪跟一小部份的街景, 往左邊拍可以拍到外觀呈船帆狀的橫濱洲際飯店, 反正住在這邊,在摩天輪關燈前想怎麼拍就怎麼拍啦! [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] 隔天早上因為要準備出發前往成田機場搭機返台, 所以天還沒亮就起床在收拾東西, 不過也因此看到天色微亮的漂亮景色, 真的是比夜景還要有看頭啊! 如果住在這裡,不妨早起拍完照後再回去睡回籠覺吧! Pan Pacific Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu 泛太平洋橫濱灣飯店 横浜市西区みなとみらい2-3-7 更多的關東地區住宿

神奈川 7.7k


Victo Chiang

[photo] [photo] ワシントンホテル(華盛頓飯店)在日本是連鎖飯店, 在首都圈(東京及周邊)就設有12家飯店, 我今年跟家人去賞櫻回程班機較早, 所以也住在関西エアポートワシントンホテル(關西機場華盛頓飯店), 整體而言屬於整齊乾淨的商務型旅館, 現在介紹的是横浜桜木町ワシントンホテル(橫濱櫻木町華盛頓飯店)。 [photo] 桜木町駅出來後徒步只要1分鐘就能到達, 算是交通相當方便的旅館, 而它的外觀辨識度相當高, 建築物從側面看起來似乎有些弧度。 [photo] [photo] 它的入口其實不明顯, 加上飯店大廳並沒有在一樓, 所以要找的時候請記得認一下飯店標誌, 或是從桜木町駅出來後走上人行天橋進來也能到飯店大廳, 比較有趣的是在飯店大廳就有24小時營業的全家便利商店, 晚上真是超方便的!! [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] 打開房間,大小其實跟一般商務旅館差別不大, 要記得把房卡插入插槽後房內才會通電, 而空調開關就在插槽旁邊, 門旁就有熱水壺、茶具及冰箱。 [photo] [photo] [photo] 電視機旁邊就是書桌, 由於書桌上就放著一盞檯燈,亮度很充足, 不過桌上東西有點多,電話、遙控、便條紙等物品, 感覺空間就變小了。 [photo] [photo] 床躺起來很軟,被子不會很厚但很保暖, 晚上雖然空調開得有點大,但還是一覺到天亮, 床頭放了有趣的東西,那是「攜帶用充電器」, 用來幫手機充電,能支援的手機種類不少,超有趣! [photo] [photo] 浴室跟廁所的空間不大, 跟一般商務旅館相去不遠, 使用的洗髮精及沐浴乳都是TSUBAKI的。 [photo] [photo] 雖然橫濱櫻木町華盛頓飯店是商務旅館, 不過由於它的地點不錯, 所以面海的窗戶也有很不錯的風景, 加上每晚平均在NT2300~2600算是CP值不錯的住宿選擇。 横浜桜木町ワシントンホテル 横浜市中区桜木町1-101-1 更多的關東地區住宿 橫濱地區飯店住宿的比價網站

神奈川 5.6k


在 Rallentare,您可以享用精心準備的最佳當地食材。 所有的菜餚都是在不使用雞蛋、奶製品或動物產品的情況下準備的; 使用的蔬菜均來自無農藥農場。 這些素食餐點和美味的甜點絕對會讓您驚嘆不已。

神奈川 距離4.5公里
松本壽司 橫濱店

松本壽司 橫濱店

在松本壽司好好享用精心準備的壽司,搭配精選的清酒更佳。 雖然職員未能提供英語講解,但在餐廳,您可以品嘗到當天捕獲的新鮮漁獲。(松本壽司只接受現金和信用卡,而且不屬於 Go to Eat 活動的一部分。)

神奈川 距離4.6公里


在MS. CASABLANCA享用中國茶、點心、燒賣和餃子作下午茶。 這個休閒的中餐廳別緻而舒適,並在神奈川縣提供高級中餐。

神奈川 距離4.8公里
International Stadium Yokohama

International Stadium Yokohama

The Yokohama International Stadium, also known as Nissan Stadium, is one of the largest stadiums in Japan with a capacity of around 70,000 seats. The sports facility, which opened in 1998, is used for soccer, athletics, rugby, American football, and cultural and entertainment events The roof structure covers three quarters of the seats. The stadium is usually home to the Yokohama F Marinos, Nissan Motor's corporate team, and is also the home venue for Yokohama FC football matches. In autumn 2019, however, the International Stadium Yokohama showed the rugby skills of teams from New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, Scotland, England, France and of course Japan for several weeks. The final of the World Cup was played here on November 2nd.

神奈川 距離0.7公里


Asobuild is an interactive indoor entertainment facility that has a lot to offer visitors of all ages. Asobuild is directly connected to Yokohama Station. The renovated building used to be an outbuilding of the Yokohama Central Post Office. The entire complex from the basement to the roof has been transformed into a huge play area. Each floor has its own theme. One can shop, enjoy exciting interactive activities, take part in workshops and discover the latest technology. Japan's largest creative market with over 150 artists is located on the third floor. Workshops for the production of well over 200 different handicrafts in 20 different areas take place here (leather, ceramics, candles, flower arrangements, etc.). There is a multi-sports field with basketball and football on the roof and there is also a children's park on the fourth floor. The whole building is adorned with works of art by aspiring, visionary artists.

神奈川 距離5公里
Rinko Park

Rinko Park

Rinko Park (臨港パーク) is a large green space on the eastern side of Minato Mirai, along the shore of Yokohama Bay and overlooking the Port of Yokohama area. The park is home to seasonal flowers and works of art dotted around the park grounds. Alongside its wide, spacious lawn area, Rinko Park offers commanding views of the waterfront. Visitors can also explore the Shiori-no-Ike Pond, the Seaside Promenade and the Arch Bridge too.

神奈川 距離6公里