Kobe Port Tower

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Kobe Port Tower (照片由: f11photo / Shutterstock.com)

The 108-meter-high Kobe Port Tower is one of the most famous landmarks of the port city of Kobe. The observation tower was completed in 1963. A key feature is its tubular construction, and it was the first tower to have this form of construction. The structure resembles a Tsuzumi, an elongated traditional Japanese drum and the first tower in Japan to be illuminated at night.



5-5 Hatobachō, Chūō-ku, Kobe, Hyogo (路線)


9:00 - 21:00 現正開放


星期一 9:00 - 21:00
星期二 9:00 - 21:00
星期三 9:00 - 21:00
星期四 9:00 - 21:00
星期五 9:00 - 21:00
星期六 9:00 - 21:00
星期天 9:00 - 21:00
假期 9:00 - 21:00

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  • Audio Guide (English)


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  • 免費導遊/小冊子

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  • Pay by cash
  • 接受信用卡






[photo] 神戶是一個充滿異國風情的城市,充斥著西洋文化與飲食之地,最明顯的莫過於甜點,本來預計要造訪的法式糕點,一時之間找不到在哪,結果看到這家 Juchheim,想起在旅遊書上也曾見到,這是販賣德式糕點的店家,對於德國菜,一向都只停留在豬腳和香腸的印象,從沒接觸過德式糕點。 [photo] [photo] Juchheim是有歷史的,一次大戰時,在德國租界地青島經營蛋糕的店的Karl Juchheim,因為戰爭被俘虜到日本,在俘虜營中,因為同伴思念家鄉味,Juchheim便在克難的條件下製作了一個傳統年輪蛋糕。戰後獲得釋放,便在日本開了一家德式年輪蛋糕店。本來店是開在橫濱,後來因地震倒塌,轉來神戶開店。二次大戰時,Juchheim去世,她的太太被遣送回國,蛋糕店只好結束營業。之後店裡的蛋糕師父決定重新開店,雖然聯絡不上Juchheim的夫人Elise,但他們還是惦記著這家店本來的主人,直到因緣際會找到Elise夫人,並且寫信請她回日本擔任社長,直到現在店內還是擺放著Juchheim和Elise夫妻倆人的照片,在這些日本蛋糕師父的心中, 始終不曾忘記這家店的創始人,店名也是以Juchheim為名。 パウムガルテソ¥525 [photo] 說完這家店的故事,再來就是所謂的傳統德國蛋糕,Baumuchen被稱為蛋糕之王,是一種多層蛋糕,製作成有如樹樁的模樣,切開來有一層層的年輪狀,在德國是婚禮與聖誕節必備的蛋糕,帶有深深祝福之意,對德國人而言,這就像是他們的年糕。 [photo] 我點的是限定版的草莓年輪蛋糕,外型宛如三個圓圈圈疊起,頂端有鮮奶油與草莓點綴。蛋糕外層裹著白巧克力,光滑平順,可以想見製作這蛋糕是相當不容易的, 不過外層巧克力蠻硬的,湯匙不太容易挖破,由上往下逐漸挖破後,裡頭除了海綿蛋糕本體外,還有鮮奶油與一整顆草莓,雖然看似很甜,但吃起來卻頗為清爽,不甚甜膩,尤其外層白巧克力的薄脆奶香加上內層綿密濕潤的蛋糕,果然不愧是蛋糕之王。這年輪蛋糕與台灣的年輪蛋糕真是大不相同,在日本非常流行,不知道台灣有沒有? Agoda推薦神戶住宿 神戶港口套房飯店@地鐵元町站 神戶元 町飯店 神戶綠山 飯店@地鐵新神戶站 神戶東急飯店@JR 三宮站 水上飯店@新開地 站 神戶伊莎哥賓館 @新神戶站 神戶圭信譽飯店@地鐵三宮 花時計前站 東橫INN 神戶湊川公園@地鐵湊川公園站 神户B飯店@JR三宮站 神戶梅里肯公園東方飯店@地鐵元町站 Juchheim(神戶本店) 地址:日本國兵庫縣神戶市中央區元町通1-4-13 電話:078-3336868 網站:http://www.juchheim.co.jp/

兵庫 7.4k
Kobe Chinatown (Nankinmachi)

Kobe Chinatown (Nankinmachi)

Nankin-machi is a neighborhood in Kobe, south of Motomachi Station and adjacent to Daimaru Department Store. The area is known as Kobe's Chinatown and has more than a hundred Chinese restaurants, shops and a Chinese temple dedicated to Guan Yu. Nankinmachi is a center of the Chinese community in the Kansai region. The area was opened up by Chinese traders who settled near the port of Kobe after the port was opened to foreign trade in 1868. As Chinatown developed, it was named after Nanjing, the former Chinese capital. The area is a popular shopping and dining district. It offers popular items such as steamed buns (manju), ramen, tapioca drinks, and various other Chinese dishes, many of which have been adapted to Japan to some extent.

兵庫 距離0.6公里
Kobe Misaki Stadium

Kobe Misaki Stadium

The Kobe Misaki Stadium made Japanese history when it was completed in 2001, as it was the first stadium in the country to install special lighting at night and host games after dark. It can seat over 30,000 spectators. The retractable roof of the stadium allows fans to watch the games even in bad weather without getting wet. The stadium is conveniently located near the center of Kobe and is the home of J.League football club Vissel Kobe and the top league rugby team Kobelco Steelers. In addition, the Kobe Misaki Stadium was one of the twelve venues for the 2019 Rugby World Cup, which was held in Japan.

兵庫 距離3.3公里
Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art

Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art

The Hyōgo Prefectural Museum of Art is a purpose built municipal art gallery in Nada-ku, Kobe, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. It was opened in 2002. [Wikipedia]

兵庫 距離3.4公里