When I first visited the Sony Building in Ginza in 1998, I remember that the audio-visual room had a display of the soon to be released movie Mask of Zorro and it was my first experience with the world-known brand Sony. (Photo: Manish Prabhune)

Sony Building, Ginza

Sony gadgets, various cafes and free Wi-Fi

Manish Prabhune   - 1分鐘閱讀時間

The Sony Building in Ginza is being used by the Sony Corporation to showcase their latest electronic offerings. It used to be just the Walkman brand when I first visited in 1998, then the Bravia television series and lately the Xperia smartphone line.

You can enjoy Sony's digital lifestyle in this seven-story exhibition space and there is also a French Restaurant on the first floor.

I have been a big fan of the brand and my living room was almost entirely Sony-branded. I still have a lot of faith in the brand, despite the strong competition that it continues to receive from the innovative Apple products.


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Manish Prabhune

Manish Prabhune @manish.prabhune

Travelling to various places and locations in Japan for over 20 years now, I want to share my experiences and also hear about destinations that I still have not been to in the land of the rising sun. Am a photography enthusiast and love to do slow shutter blue hour photography in Tokyo.