It's hard not to be impressed by the diversity on display at the Namaste India Festival in Yoyogi Park. Food with a local flair from every corner of the vast country sizzles away, while vendors selling a variety of bohemian-colored textiles, jewelry and handicrafts line the festival area.
On stage is by far the most impressive mixture of talent and performances seen all year at the park, a chain of dancing women, masked gods and goddesses acting out mythology, singers, tablah players, and on and on. It's nearly impossible not to be entertained by the annual closing chapter of Yoyogi Park's summer-long series of international festivals. See you there next September!
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Todd Wojnowski @todd.wojnowski
I am an avid backpacker, writer, marathon runner, hiker, eater of spicy foods, watcher of B-movies, and user of the Harvard comma. I'm originally from Buffalo, New York, and arrived in Japan in 2008.