Irises in bloom at Meiji Shrine's garden (Photo: Mandy Bartok)

Irises at Meiji Shrine

A garden in bloom in the rainy season

Mandy Bartok   - 1分鐘閱讀時間

Late May brings the rains to Japan, but it also heralds the start of the iris season. One of my favorite spots to view these stunning purple blossoms is at the garden tucked inside the grounds of Meiji Shrine. During the rest of the year, the garden doesn't really merit its 500 yen entrance fee. But go in late May or June and you'll be treated to a visual feast of 1500 irises in bloom with colors ranging from royal purple to a delicate lavender. It's a sight worth braving the rain for!



Mandy Bartok

Mandy Bartok @mandy.bartok

Japan resident for 10 years, with time spent in Okinawa, Kumamoto and Tokyo.