Seiyu Omori

0 0 評論
照片由: Shinagawa Sightseeing Agency

The shopping building is right in front of you as you come out of Omori Station. It sells food, everyday items, fashion, medicine, and more. Electrical appliiances and other specialty stores are on 3F and 4F and restaurants and cinema are on 5F.



6-27-25 Minami-oi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo (路線)


24小時開放 現正開放


星期一 24小時開放
星期二 24小時開放
星期三 24小時開放
星期四 24小時開放
星期五 24小時開放
星期六 24小時開放
星期天 24小時開放
假期 24小時開放


  • 問訊櫃檯
  • Shops
  • 適合嬰兒
  • 哺乳室
  • Restroom


  • Restaurant

Payment Method

  • 接受信用卡


內部Seiyu Omori

Kineca Omori

0 (0Review(s))

Kinema Omori is the first cinema complex to open in Japan. For this reason, and in order to preserve the entire history of the film, not only are numerous classic Japanese films shown. Well-known f...


Dai-ichi Hotel Tokyo Seafort [Closed]

Dai-ichi Hotel Tokyo Seafort [Closed]

Dai-ichi Hotel Tokyo Seafort is part of the Hankyu-Hanshin luxury hotels group. Since 1938, this luxury hotel has been opening its doors to guests who seek a comfortable stay with convenient access to central Tokyo.

東京 距離4.5公里
Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa

Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa

Just minutes from Shinagawa Station, the Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa is surrounded by lush greenery in the Takanawa area, with rooms offering balcony views of the nearby gardens and the surrounding Tokyo cityscape. This urban resort features convention facilities like the Hiten banquet hall, the international Convention Center Pamir, as well as a wide variety of Japanese, Chinese and Western restaurants.

東京 距離4.7公里


Supakarn Sunthonthammas

誰說廉價住宿必須在小巷深處?若是如此,拖著疲憊的身軀與行李長途跋涉之後,你還要乘火車多次往返去遊覽主要的景點。若想節省住宿的錢與精力以便遊覽東京,那麼你必須得試試“品川宿”民宿,一間每晚價格最低約3000多日圓且從北品川車站步行僅需 3 分鐘的民宿。  民宿主人渡邊隆之 (Takayuki Watanabe) 先生本人也是一位旅行者。他的足跡遍布亞洲。帶著對旅行的熱愛,他開了這間民宿,讓來自世界各地的旅客能體驗到品川區的美景。該民宿位於治安良好的城市中心區,始終面帶微笑的工作人員會提供有幫助與非常友好的服務。這使得這間民宿成為徒步旅行者喜愛的住處之一,使他們能以低廉的價格享受到日本古典的魅力。 有 4 種不同的房間可供選擇 團體寢室,在這裡你將與他人共享一間大間(男女分隔),每人 3300 日圓。 單人房,每間私人客房 3800 日圓。 雙人房,有榻榻米房間或者雙層鋪可供選擇,價格 7600 日圓。 三人房,榻榻米房間,價格 11400 日圓。 若住宿超過 2 晚,一人將得到 200 日圓的折扣。 該價格不包括早餐。但若你願意,可從住在該地區的一位女士處預訂自製早餐。民宿設有共用浴室(也是男女分開)。樓下有一間公共休息室,你可以在那裡與其他徒步旅行者攀談。説不定你可能會在這裡遇到一個新夥伴。 另一點精彩之處是,這間民宿的位置在舊東海路上。雖然大多國際友人不太熟知這個名字,但這條路歷史悠久,可回溯到江戶時代。過去人們沿著這條路往返東京與京都之間。現在你若想體驗一番,仍可試著沿著這條路從東京步行到京都。你只需要準備一雙好鞋,就可以踏上路程了! 今天即使沿路有許多現代建築物,也遮掩不了其溯及昔日的氛圍和曾經的輝煌。乍一看我就發現了這條路與東京其他的路有多麼得不同。這裡有我們熟悉的時尚咖啡餐廳與便利店,但令人難以置信的是其建築很好地與古建築、日本傳統門以及街燈柱融為一體。若你問我品川區附近有什麽精彩之處,我會說這種新舊建築設計的完美結合是一大亮點。 另外,這裡的人崇拜七位神。這裡的小神社星羅棋布。若你無法參觀所有七位神的神社,在武藏小山商店街市場便有一間賣有七位神面容的紅豆甜點。你可以把這些帶回家作為禮物贈送給親朋好友。 若你在四月櫻花盛開時來,我會建議你搭乘風雅的遊船並在 Nakakin 品嘗日本食物。沿目黑川乘坐遊船,享受美麗的景色與美味的食物。 在這裡保證你能發現很多可以參觀的有趣地方。因此在民宿辦完住宿手續與放好行李後,你一定要沿著東海路散步。相信你一定會愛上一些東西。 交通路線 從澀谷乘坐 JR 山手線到品川站。這將需要大約 20 分鐘,然後步行 12 分鐘到民宿。或乘坐京急本線到北品川站,然後步行 3 分鐘。 從羽田機場乘坐京急機場快線列車,在平和島站或者青物橫丁站換乘京急本線。列車行駛時間大約需要 30 分鐘,然後步行 3 分鐘即可到民宿。 Related articles 日式商店街大競賽 武藏小山商店街 VS. 戶越銀座商店街 在品川神社登上仿富士山 在品川附近的悠閒一日遊 在東京都中心行駛卡丁車 換上你最喜愛的角色扮裝,在東京都中心道路上馳騁 美好的品川水族館一日之旅 沉浸在多采多姿的海洋生物世界

東京 3.6k
Niku no Maekawa

Niku no Maekawa

Customers constantly flock to this standing bar operated by a butcher as soon as the doors open. You can choose what you like from the showcased meat dishes and get a beer out of the fridge yourself.

東京 距離1.8公里
Tachinomi Banpaiya Oimachi

Tachinomi Banpaiya Oimachi

You'll love the cheap meals at this famous standing bar with branches now located throughout Japan. One person can leave satisfied for just ¥1,000. The secret to its popularity is its quality, with meals cooked at the restaurant using minimal premade food.

東京 距離2.2公里
Wild Meechan

Wild Meechan

This restaurant that opened in March 2019 focuses on all-you-can-drink options. Offering an all-you-can-drink option from 1,200 (excluding tax) for 60 minutes or an a la carte menu for individual drinks. Sometimes sushi from Kanai Sushi upstairs is provided.

東京 距離2.3公里
Shinagawa Aquarium

Shinagawa Aquarium

Shinagawa Aquarium (しながわ水族館), is a middle sized aquarium featuring an underwater tunnel.

東京 距離0.7公里
Big Fun Heiwajima

Big Fun Heiwajima

This land of leisure is full of fun amusement facilities complete with a variety of restaurants. In addition to a natural hot spring facility for a day trip and indoor athletic facilities, you can enjoy movies, bowling, karaoke, discount shopping, and more.

東京 距離1.1公里
Tokyo City Keiba

Tokyo City Keiba

"Keiba" is the Japanese word for horse racing. Tokyo City Keiba (TCK) is a horse racing track in the heart of Tokyo, famous for its Twinkle Night Races, and the first horse racing track in Japan to host Night races took place, which to this day are a popular spectacle at horse racing fields all over Japan. It also offers a variety of fun activities, including beautiful illuminations, delicious food, and major events. You can place bets on machines that start at just 100 yen. Various lights are set up from April to December to add splashes of color to the nightly racetrack. In the restaurant "" Diamond Turn "" you also have a direct view of the races.

東京 距離1.4公里