Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine

51 評論
Photo: Sophia Warren / JT

For those in love, looking for love, and everything in between, Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine is the perfect place to visit! Not to be confused with Hikawa Shrine in Omiya Ward, Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine is said to be about 1,500 years old and enshrines five deities, all of who are a part of the same family. Two pairs of the enshrined deities are married, making the Shinto shrine a popular place to pray for good fortune in marriage and family.



2-11 Miyashitamachi, Kawagoe-shi, Saitama (路線)


6:00 - 17:00 現正開放


星期一 6:00 - 17:00
星期二 6:00 - 17:00
星期三 6:00 - 17:00
星期四 6:00 - 17:00
星期五 6:00 - 17:00
星期六 6:00 - 17:00
星期天 6:00 - 17:00
假期 6:00 - 17:00






Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine


  • 5 星 1
  • 4 星 0
  • 3 星 0
  • 2 星 0
  • 1 星 0



川越 だんご かなめや

川越 だんご かなめや


[photo] 川越位於東京都的西北邊,素有小江戶之稱,而川越的名物就是だんご,也就是團子,在川越街上有許多團子店。 [photo] かなめや就在川越商店街的尾巴,靠近大正浪漫通的頭。 [photo] 主要是賣團子的,有好幾種口味的團子。 みたらしだんご¥70 [photo] 燒團子有兩種,一種比較乾,另一種比較濕一點,我選的是濕一點的みたらし,也就是團子外面裹了一層砂糖醬油,但我查翻譯みたらし好像是御手洗,御手洗不是廁所嗎?本來以為團子是熱的,結果是冷的,而且外面的醬油幾乎就是冰的,口感很Q,醬油的味道又鹹又甜,味道很重,不過沒什麼炭烤味,挺不錯的小吃。 だんご かなめや 地址: 埼玉縣川越市新富町1-7-12 電話:049-2230587 Agoda 東京推薦住宿 淺草旅籠飯店@淺草#地鐵淺草站 樂活東京站八重洲中央超強級飯店@東京站/日本橋#JR東京站 東京龍名館飯店@東京站/日本橋#地鐵日本橋站 半藏門格蘭亞克飯店@皇宮#地鐵半藏門站 東新宿E飯店@新宿#地鐵東新宿站 東京新大谷飯店@赤坂 /六本木#永田町站 埃德蒙大都市飯店@皇宮#JR飯田橋站 延伸閱讀: [食記] 京都 餅寅 光秀饅頭 [食記] 京都 おはぎの丹波屋 [食記] 京都 まつばや手作抹茶泡芙 [食記] 京都 嵐山たなか 地鷄可樂餅 [食記] 神戶 森谷商店可樂餅 [食記] 神戶 Juchheim 德式蛋糕 [食記] 東京 東京駅 斑鳩拉麵

埼玉 5.7k
Kitain Temple

Kitain Temple

Kitain (喜多院), located in Kawagoe, is a 9th-century temple renowned for its collection of 540 playful Rakan (statues of Buddha) and for being home to the only remaining buildings of the former Edo Castle. History Founded in 830 by monk Ennin, Kitain was originally part of a three-temple complex named Muryoju Temple, which included Kitain (North Temple), Nakain (Middle Temple), and Minamiin (South Temple). During the early-14th century, Kitain became the head temple of the Tendai Sect in the Kanto region. Later, in 1599, it became the main temple of Muryoju under the guidance of head monk Tenkai, who had strong relationships with the first three shogun of the Edo Period. In 1638, after a fire destroyed most of Kitain, Shogun Iemitsu ordered several buildings from Edo Castle to be moved to the temple to help rebuild it. Although the fire was tragic, the castle buildings’ relocations likely saved them as Edo Castle was later heavily damaged by the Earthquake of 1923 and World War II. Today Today, Kitain’s preserved castle buildings and whimsical statues make it a must-see spot in Kawagoe. In spring, the temple is especially beautiful when cherry blossoms color the sacred area pastel pink. Other noteworthy spots are the temple’s pagoda and traditional gardens. Wander the tranquil grounds, and find the spots that speak to you. Listed below are Kitain’s top delights:

埼玉 距離1.1公里