Horyuji Temple

51 評論
照片由: stockphoto7 / Shutterstock.com

Japan is filled with a wide variety of temples, ranging from modest to opulent and from massive to small. Horyuji in Nara stands out from the rest as it is, not only, one of Japan’s oldest temples, but also home to the world’s oldest surviving wooden structures, making it a one-of-a-kind destination.



1-1 Hōryūji Sannai, Ikaruga, Ikoma District, Nara Prefecture 636-0115, Japan (路線)


8:00 - 17:00 Closed now


星期一 8:00 - 17:00
星期二 8:00 - 17:00
星期三 8:00 - 17:00
星期四 8:00 - 17:00
星期五 8:00 - 17:00
星期六 8:00 - 17:00
星期天 8:00 - 17:00
假期 8:00 - 17:00


¥750 - ¥1500




  • UNESCO世界遺產


  • 問訊櫃檯
  • 祈禱室


Take the Yamatoji Line from JR Nara Station to Horyuji Station (12-13 minutes). From Horyuji Station, the temple is about a 20-minute walk or a 5-minute bus ride via local bus number 72. Alternatively, you can take bus number 97 from JR Nara or Kintetsu Nara Station to Horyuji-mae bus stop (about one hour), which is a few minutes walk from the temple.


Horyuji Temple


  • 5 星 1
  • 4 星 0
  • 3 星 0
  • 2 星 0
  • 1 星 0



Yakushiji Temple

Yakushiji Temple

Yakushiji Temple is regarded as one of the oldest and most important temples in Japan, which is no surprise given its impressive status. The temple is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the headquarters of the Hosso Sect of Buddhism, and one of the Seven Great Temples of Nara. Emperor Tenmu founded the temple in 680 and dedicated it to Yakushi Nyorai (the Buddha of Healing) to aid his wife—who later became Empress Jito—in her recovery from an illness. Yakushiji was originally located in Fujiwara-kyo, but later moved to Nara in 718, where it still stands today. Although all of the original temple structures, except the East Pagoda, were lost to fires, the temple’s present-day reconstructions accurately reflect its traditional and grand design. Today, visitors and students of Buddhism flock to the site for spiritual learning, healing, and prayer. In addition to the main temple buildings listed below, Yakushiji is home to Yasumigaoka Hachimangu Shrine, other traditional halls, and Buddhist artwork and artifacts. Do not pass up the opportunity to visit Yakushiji’s distinguished temple grounds and immerse yourself in the sacred and educational atmosphere.

奈良 距離8公里
Toshodaiji Temple

Toshodaiji Temple

Toshodaiji Temple, located just north of Yakushiji Temple in Nara, is a significant site related to the development of Buddhism in Japan and signifies a connection between Japanese and Chinese cultures. The prestigious temple was founded in 759 by the Chinese monk Ganjin, who traveled to Japan in 754 after being asked by the emperor to help train monks and improve Japanese Buddhism. After retiring, Ganjin was granted land and consequently, established Toshodaiji to continue teaching Chinese Buddhist principles. Today, the temple is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Without a doubt, Toshodaiji’s most impressive structure is its Kondo, or Main Hall, which was reopened to visitors in 2009 after nearly ten years of reconstruction work. The one-story Kondo, situated directly behind the Nandai-mon (Southern Great Gate), is the epitome of early Japanese-Buddhist architecture with a tiled sloping roof, seven bays, columns, and dark wood tones. Due to the building’s columned facade, it is often compared to the Parthenon. Inside, the hall houses principal Buddhist statues, which are designated as National Treasures. Standing before the hall, you cannot help but be swept away by its commanding presence. Near the Kondo is the Kodo Lecture Hall. This structure was originally built as an administrative building for the Nara Imperial Palace, but later relocated to Toshodaiji after it was gifted to Ganjin. Today, the hall is the only surviving building of the palace, and thus, a historically significant and rare part of the temple. Another prominent temple building is the Miei-do, which enshrines a famous wooden sculpture of Ganjin that his disciples created using hollow-core, dry-lacquer techniques. The exclusive building is only open to the public for a few days a year around June 6th. For all other days, visitors can view a replica of the statue, which was made on the 1,250th anniversary of Ganjin’s death, on display at the nearby Kaizando. In the eastern woods of the precinct lies Ganjin’s grave, one of the most tranquil areas of the temple. Follow a nature-laden path through thick foliage and then cross over a small bridge into the peaceful haven. Toshodaiji is also home to monk sleeping quarters, storehouses for sutras and treasures, and the Koro (Shariden), which is the site of the Uchiwamaki Ceremony, or Fan Scattering Festival, on May 19. Be sure to visit this remarkable temple and walk the footsteps of one of the most influential Chinese monks of Japanese Buddhism.

奈良 距離8公里


Tom Roseveare

西奈良地區位於奈良縣西北部,距離大阪僅30分鐘車程,是一個充滿豐富歷史和文化意義的文化地區。 這個地區是由六個城市和鎮組成,包括大和郡山市、平群町、三鄉町、斑鳩町、安堵町、王寺町。 這地區的傳統可以追溯到好幾個世紀前,當時奈良還是日本的首都(710-794 年)。 [photo id='237540'] 請繼續閱讀,探索西奈良的一些推薦景點,然後了解這裡如何巧妙地構思新方法,將遊客與這裡的傳統文化聯繫起來。 法隆寺 [photo id='237554'] 位於斑鳩町的法隆寺是日本最著名的寺廟之一。該寺建於607年,是日本最古老的寺廟之一,內部還擁有世界上最古老的存世木造建築。法隆寺於1993年被列為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產,成為日本最早獲得該榮譽的地點之一(另一個也是姬路城)。 建議您在法隆寺的廣大寺區內漫步,該寺區分為西區和東區,您可以欣賞到眾多著名景點,包括五層寶塔、寺廟寶藏畫廊和中宮寺。中宮寺本身收藏著一尊以微笑聞名的坐佛像,並被列為國寶。 西奈良的其他景點 信貴山朝護孫子寺 [photo id='237553'] 位於平群町山頂的朝護孫子寺是一座古老的佛教聖地,歷史可追溯至 6 世紀,坐落在信貴山的南坡。 由於這裡與虎有著密切的聯繫,因此也被稱為「虎廟」。這個吉祥的形象可以追溯到聖德太子為了在與物部氏的戰爭中取得勝利而來此參拜的歷史時期(據說他在虎年、虎日和虎時祈禱)。 如今,您可以在入口處目睹被認為是世界上最大的紙糊虎──福寅像,並穿過黑暗的三寅之福肚子小洞(又名「老虎隧道」),人們相信這條隧道會給穿過的人帶來好運。 在這裡,您還可以找到《信貴山綠起繪卷》捲軸(每年秋天展出)——類似漫畫的描繪展示了最終成為現代漫畫運動一部分的歷史技巧。 郡山城遺址 [photo id='237552'] 參觀位於大和郡山市的郡山城遺址,尋找 16 世紀城堡的遺跡。 郡山城由豐臣秀長建造,在該地區的歷史中發揮戰略作用,但在江戶幕府解體後被摧毀。 這些遺址,包括內護城河和石牆,讓您一窺日本封建時代的過去,同時可享受周圍的風景美景。在3月下旬至4月上旬的櫻花季期間,還可以欣賞到城堡的夜間燈光秀。 作為日本的前首都,奈良作為文化中心的地位可以從遍布該地區的許多著名的神社和寺廟中看得到。 除了這些例子之外,還有更多:法起寺(聯合國教科文組織世界遺產)、法輪寺、飽波神社、達磨寺和松尾寺也為這裡豐富的文化作出了貢獻。 西奈良的最新動態 西奈良正在巧妙地設計新的方式,將遊客與這裡的傳統文化聯繫起來。 新御朱印帳 [photo id='237538'] 為了幫助加深對西奈良地區傳統文化和歷史的理解和欣賞,專門為西奈良地區製作了一本新的《御朱印帳》(一本有關御朱印的本子)。 御朱印帳是一種傳統的有形方式,用於記錄參拜神社和寺廟的過程,展示人們的虔誠之心。對於尋找獨特紀念品並具有獨特美學的遊客來說,推薦使用御朱印帳。此外,這本新的西奈良御朱印帳還將包含插頁,提供實用的多語言信息,例如參拜神社和寺廟時的正確禮節。它還將提供方便的二維碼,可連接到參與的神社和寺廟的官方網站,以及顯示如何找到它們的數位地圖。 頂級刨冰 [photo id='237539'] 其中一張數位地圖甚至會展示供應日本經典夏季美食之一的當地商店:かき氷 kakigōri (刨冰)。 除了作為文化遺產外,西奈良也被視為吃冰的文化發源地。據說這裡有兩座冰室神社(分別位於奈良市和天理市),它們供奉著冰室的守護神,被視為人造冰和所有冷藏事物的守護者。 這使得刨冰等特色美食與西奈良產生了聯繫,現在越來越多當地商店提供這種甜點。 多虧與日本經驗豐富的航空公司之一日本航空(JAL)的合作,西奈良的刨冰也將升級。遊客們將很快能夠品嚐到西奈良地區的獨家頂級刨冰。JAL的國際頭等艙甜點主廚利用當地農產品和地方特色,創製了一個真正受到當地啟發的新菜單。考慮到西奈良的農業實力和當地出產的優質水果(如無花果、古都華草莓、梨、葡萄和柿子),這份新的頂級菜單將提供適合夏季的當地風味。此舉還巧妙地利用了人們對「慢食」日益增長的興趣,從而實現更永續的旅遊業,同時也為遊客在遊覽西奈良時享受更有意義的體驗。 這種令人興奮的頂級甜點可以在奈良西部地區的多家商店買到,價格約為 2,000 日元起。 商店的位置可以透過張貼在神社和寺廟的數位地圖找到,也印在上述新的御朱印帳中。

奈良 6.2k