
照片由: beeboys / Shutterstock.com

Oharai-machi (おはらい町) is a small traditional town that prospered outside the gates of the entrance of Ise Jingu Shrine — Japan's most sacred shrine. As a traditional approach, it spans almost one kilometer in length and is lined with a variety of shops and restaurants.



2 Ujinakanokiricho, Ise, Mie 516-0025, Japan (路線)


9:30 - 18:00 Closed now


星期一 9:30 - 18:00
星期二 9:30 - 18:00
星期三 9:30 - 18:00
星期四 9:30 - 18:00
星期五 9:30 - 18:00
星期六 9:30 - 18:00
星期天 9:30 - 18:00
假期 9:30 - 18:00






From Isuzugawa Station (Kintetsu-Toba Line), it's six minutes by bus. Oharai-machi is located at the entrance of the Inner Ise Shrine.



Ise Jingu

Ise Jingu

Located in Mie Prefecture, the Ise Grand Shrine is a Shinto shrine dedicated to the sun goddess. Supposedly, the shrine or “Jingu” as it is commonly called, is home to the Sacred Mirror; this mirror was the one that drew Amaterasu from hiding and brought light back to the world. In reality, Ise Jingu is a complex of shrines centered around two main shrines, Naiku and Geku. The inner shrine is Naiku, said to be where Amaterasu dwells even today. Whereas the outer shrine, Geku, is located about six kilometers from Naiku and dedicated to Toyouke-Omikami, the god of agriculture, rice, and harvest. There are an additional 123 shrines in Ise City surrounding both Naiku and Geku. The shrine buildings at Naiku and Geku are rebuilt every 20 years based upon a Shinto belief of death and renewal. The shrine was established in 4 BCE when Princess Yamatohime no Mikoto wandered for twenty years looking for a place to worship the sun goddess. Upon arriving in Ise, Yamatohime received a message from Amaterasu saying that this was the land where she wished to reside. Today, only a person of the royal lineage may be the high priest or priestess of Ise Jingu.

三重 距離0.9公里
Meoto Iwa

Meoto Iwa

In Mie Prefecture, not far from the city of Futami, which belongs to the city of Ise, are the Meoto Iwa rocks, which are also called" The Married Rocks ". These two sacred rocks in the sea near the coast are not far from the Futami-Okitama Shrine, the Ryuugu Shrine and also near the famous Ise Shrine itself. The two rocks are connected with a so-called Shimenawa. This is a ritual rope made of rice straw. This fact gave them the nickname "The Married Rocks" In the belief of the Shinto religion, these two rocks represent the union of the pair of gods Izanagi and Izanami, who, according to legend, are the two central gods "Kami" in the myth of the origin of Japan.

三重 距離8公里


Jan Lee

吃是人的本性,是人的需求,自然也是人生中很大的一部分。每一個民族都有屬於自己的飲食文化。食物連結了人們的胃也同時連結了人們的心,所以食文化應該是最難以磨滅的文化遺產吧。 想到日本的美食,大家都會想到壽司、刺身、拉麵、和牛等等各種各樣的日本料理吧。其實日本的甜點也是這個國家的一個亮點。日本的法式甜點青出於藍勝於藍,自然廣為人知。但想要看到日本民族的文化核心,日式甜點,也就是俗稱的和菓子才是真正的王道。 如果說廣東人愛吃的點心是華人的一點心意,那麼和菓子就是日本人生命一般的存在。在古老的伊勢神宮腳下展開的伊勢菓子博覽會2017是日本四年一度為展現日本全國各地和洋菓子的特色和製作技術而展開的大型博覽會。 這次展覽會的看點絕對是展場中央的大型模型了。結合三重縣聖地的伊勢神宮所做出的展品名為 《伊勢参宮 宮川の渡し》。模型裡的風景從宮川的波浪至樹上的葉子都是由三重縣的和菓子師傅們齊心製作的。模型裡的250個人物,則是由三重縣的洋菓子師傅做成。每一個模型的表情姿勢都不一樣,實在是令人驚艷。 [photo id='169837'] 除了這個大型展品之外,全國各地的師傅也都展現了自己的手藝,利用真正用在製作和菓子的原材料做出精緻至極的藝術品。多數師傅選擇走和風路線,但也有師傅別出心裁,把上野公園的大猩猩用和菓子的形式給做出來了。 這次菓子展也有傳承的意義。除了經驗老道的師傅們的展品,各地洋菓子製作學校的學生們也通過展品展現出自己的手藝,把甜點千變萬化做出不同的樣子,令人佩服。其中把甜點做成和牛樣子的學生們讓我尤其印象深刻。和牛是三重縣松阪的名產,參展之後不妨去試試松阪和牛是不是像傳說中的一樣真的入口即化吧! [photo id='169829'] 這麼多不同的菓子當中,小編不得不提的絕對是三重縣的名產物 – 赤福。來到三重縣,就會發現赤福是名副其實的大戶!三重縣到處都有赤福的看板和店面,是絕對不可錯過的傳統和菓子!赤福的外面是滑口的小豆泥,內裡則包了軟糯Q彈的日式麻糬,一吃就知道這是古早老日本的味道。這次展覽可以吃到赤福盆:包括兩顆赤福加上一杯熱熱的茶。和菓子本來就是為了搭配茶而做的甜點,所以這樣經典的組合根本毫無失敗的機會,給人一種倍感溫暖的味道。 [photo id='169832'] 當然,日本既是旅遊勝地也是購物天堂。來到日本怎麼可以空手而回呢?這次的菓子博覽會聚集了日本全國各地的和洋菓子,自然是會讓人買到手軟的!各種各樣精緻包裝的伴手禮,還有菓子博览会的限定商品,實在是喚醒人們內心不可抑制的購買慾。長崎的Castella,新潟米菓子,北海道的冰淇淋,選擇多得令人眼花繚亂,愛吃甜點零食的你絕對不可以錯過! [photo id='169835'] 這次的博覽會開辦在距離名古屋兩個小時的三重縣,從4月21日到5月14日為期三個星期,每天從早上10點進行到晚上6點。四年才舉行一次的菓子博覽會有很悠久的歷史,從1911年就已揭開序幕,不僅是能夠品嘗日式和洋菓子的大好機會,更意在加深來客對大和民族飲食文化的認識。若是有機會在這段期間來日本的話,真的很推薦大家去菓子博覽會走一圈! 查詢更多訊息,請點擊這裡: 伊勢菓子博覽會2017 參拜伊勢神宮・内宮&2017點心展 1日遊 追求極致的日本之旅 -TABIDO- 日本觀光APP「Japan2Go!」正式版終於上市了!

三重 8.2k