Tagata Shrine

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Tagata Shrine (Photo: Tagata Shrine – Ben Kubota / CC BY 2.0)

Tagata Shrine, located in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, is famous for its fertility festival every March 15.



152 Tagatacho, Komaki, Aichi 485-0004 (路線)


9:00 - 17:00 Closed now


星期一 9:00 - 17:00
星期二 9:00 - 17:00
星期三 9:00 - 17:00
星期四 9:00 - 17:00
星期五 9:00 - 17:00
星期六 9:00 - 17:00
星期天 9:00 - 17:00
假期 9:00 - 17:00




  • Restroom
  • 祈禱室
  • 免費停車場
  • 問訊櫃檯
  • Souvenir shop


A short walk from Tagata Jinja-mae Station.



Meiji Village

Meiji Village

Meiji-mura (Meiji Village) in Inuyama, Aichi Prefecture, is an open-air museum and theme park. History and architecture lovers will be pleased by the preserved atmosphere of the Meiji (1867-1912), Taisho (1912-1926), and early Showa (1926-1989) periods. Visit a Japan of the past, when Japanese fashion and culture was beginning to mingle with its international counterparts. In Meiji-mura, you can see how this combination of Euro-Japanese architecture and fashion brought a new impression and feeling to the Japan of old. You’ll even be able to see Frank Lloyd Wright’s landmark Imperial Hotel; originally constructed in Tokyo from 1923 to 1967, the hotel was reconstructed in Meiji-mura and makes for the impressive centerpiece of the grounds. Scattered around the one-million-square-meter property are a total of sixty-seven Meiji-era reconstructed original buildings—eleven of them are even recognized national treasures. While you’re at Meiji-mura, you can also rent a kimono and experience the Meiji period as though you lived it. Ride streetcars, send original postcards from the historical post office, and experience Kabuki theater shows.

愛知 距離5公里
Inuyama Castle

Inuyama Castle

Inuyama Castle is the oldest of twelve originally preserved castles in Japan (ie castles that have survived intact natural disasters and wars since the end of the feudal era in 1867). It is also the smallest of the five castles whose main towers are designated as a national treasure. The other four castles are in Himeji, Matsumoto, Hikone and Matsue. It was built in 1537 and stands on top of a small hill next to the Kiso River. The inside is very well preserved and gives an insight into life back then. Via the steep stairs, visitors can climb four floors to get an impressive panoramic view from above. You can also discover a lookout point that was used to spot enemies as soon as they approached.

愛知 距離8公里
博物館明治村 - 愛知縣

博物館明治村 - 愛知縣

Yui Yoshikawa

[photo] 明治村位於愛知縣犬山市,交通方面可以從犬山站搭車巴士前往 這天來到明治村,剛好蒸気機関車在整修中沒辦法乘坐非常可惜 [photo] 明治村裡有各式各樣明治時代的建築,教堂,醫院,郵局,市役所等等 明治村教堂也有供新人申請舉辦婚禮,參觀時剛好碰到模擬婚禮,感覺很莊嚴還不錯^^ [photo] [photo] [photo] 此外,比較特別的應該就是位於村內的宇治山田郵便局了 除了建築物歷史悠久外,還可以寫一封給10年後自己的信 當然要有日本地址才行囉,而且要確定10年後還在XD 一封300日幣,有不少大館,小朋友在寫,保管10年只要300日幣應該算便宜吧 [photo] 入境隨俗我也來寫了一封,說真的突然要寫還不知道要寫什麼(笑) 好不容易寫交給郵局人員,期待10年後可以收到囉^^ 明治村總面積一百萬平方公尺,說真的要用走的走完全逛完真的會累死XD [photo] 懶的走的人可以買村營巴士一日券,大人五百日幣 應該可以比較有效率走完全村吧 雖然沒有生在明治時代所以可能比較沒什麼特別懷念的感覺 但還是很推薦逛完犬山城,有機會也可以來明治村走走喔^^ [photo] 博物館明治村 http://www.meijimura.com/ 網誌原文: http://yuikyoto.pixnet.net/blog/category/1670364

愛知 4.3k