
The Nagoya City Science Museum is a museum located in Sakae, Nagoya, the center of Nagoya City, in central Japan. The museum houses the largest planetarium in the world and has three main sections on modern technology, life sciences and general science with a variety of hands-on exhibits. [Wikipedia]
a five-minute walk from Exit 5 of Fushimi Station on the Higashiyama and Tsurumai Lines. It's also a short walk from Hirokoji Fushimi Bus Stop. There are also parking areas for cars and bicycles nearby.
2012.11.27 相傳日本的夏天消暑聖品其中之一,鰻魚飯竟然榜上有名! 這麼補的滋養食材被當作提振食慾良方實在匪夷所思, 不像我隨時胃口都好棒棒,想吃就去吃!管他節氣時分如何~ 所以便趁著清水寺日夜交替之際畫了新幹線票,將魔爪伸入名古屋, 想大啖先前向隅的名物美食:蓬萊軒。 因為前幾次去松阪屋店一概被大排長龍的氣勢給震懾, 此番直接鎖定神宮店(逛熱田神宮無意間經過,印象中還算近…個屁) 想說一個半小時的時間足夠run完,結果演變汗水鰻魚路跑… 請往下看 [photo] ▲天寒,我需要補氣血 讓我們降臨名古屋吧~一下新幹線為了省錢選擇轉JR到熱田駅(錯誤1) 其實名鉄神宮前駅離這家分店更近,省車錢就要拿腳力來抵償, 瞧我夜奔時不忘手震拍照留念XD [photo] ▲X的!這商店街怎麼跟印象中不一樣,無敵長~ Shi…,當我拐進巷子正待迎接焦香鰻魚飯,卻和漆黑店門面面相看, 怎麼這麼剛好今天是神宮分店休日(錯誤2)!好,Plan B… 沒有Plan B啊啊啊~上網看看還有哪些分店,究緊急ㄋㄟ! 有了,本店就在馬路另一邊!距離尚可接受,跑跑跑, 這時候我穿的短袖已經濕漉漉,30%奔跑70%緊張製造的, 但為了品嘗名聞遐邇的鰻魚,腳步再沉重也甘願! 看見本店入口便一個漂亮move闖進小型日式庭園, 很好!沒有人潮(事實上我也沒把排隊時間給估算進去,只能說傻人傻福) 門口兩位閒聊的小姐被我打岔,我故作悠閒伸出短手指比出”一位”手勢, 立馬被叫住留下鞋子迅速帶往二樓,連拍個走廊照都侷促到不行, 但我就愛這味~因為距離回京都的列車只剩不到一小時! [photo] ▲吃個飯搞得像闖民宅空門 [photo] ▲蓬萊陳皮? [photo] 還好還好,今天生意清淡,入席率50%而且客人面前都上菜完畢, 我快速評估情勢。 「就鬥媽得!」剛入座連忙叫住欲轉身閃人的服務生, 喊得連隔壁桌日本人都在側目~ 拜託勒,等阿妹仔妳再招呼我的時候,本人鐵定趕不上表定回京都的車! 我最會做讓日本人覺得匪夷所思的事情了,比如還沒翻閱桌上菜單就點菜… 能點什麼?當然是最多食記寫到的「ひつまぶし」! 快刀斬亂麻,斬掉我那不捨3100円瞬間飛走的情意~ 能調理氣血不順又富含維生素A、抗氧化等等功效的鰻魚肉, 可想而知優點越多價格越高! 等定食來的時候好惶恐,一邊拍著菜單的美食期待著味蕾衝擊, 卻又一邊計算進食時間要怎麼拿捏…哀,對比大家慢條斯理的吃鰻魚, 我根本像個在大塞車的高速公路上憋了3小時尿的人, 看見休息站在眼前卻不得下車解脫。 [photo] ▲如花和秋月這兩個小妮子又在嚼舌根了 [photo] ▲跟北極星蛋包飯一樣的榻榻米座位 [photo] ▲我是被發配邊疆的外國人 [photo] ▲一色鰻喔,不是台灣產的(雖然有可能是台灣魚苗) 謝天謝地,滿滿的一盤不多時便端到我桌上,對錶! 15分鐘是比較保險的吃飯時間… 剛剛在車上惡補食記後牢記的3步驟: 返璞歸真的原味,享受純粹的鰻魚炙燒焦香感 淋上小皿附的蔥花、芥末及海苔,攪拌均勻產生的大熔爐鰻丼, 將高湯灌溉已經犁過好幾遍的鰻魚田,固體轉換成液態的精華一舉囊括, Sorry,在下全部化繁為簡!捧起碗公一路扒到底, 所以我always停留在Level 1… 沒關係,見山是山見水還是水,能夠品到好吃的醬汁燒烤鰻魚, 大手筆的張嘴豪邁吃法應該不多人使用吧? 魚肉裡的刺甚少,有亦是酥脆可嚼碎的程度,吃起來一點都不費力跟擔心, 滑溜溜的魚肉以及微焦外皮很快擴散至嘴裡各處,牙縫也不例外呢! 就這樣稀哩乎魯嘖嘖吃光所有米飯,趁機用舌頭刮一下碗內, 企圖回味一遍這銷魂的美食記憶,然後再把蔥花芥末海苔倒入湯中, 變成小古自製雜炊湯,一飲而盡轉身走人,and付錢, 成了最晚進餐桌最早離店的客人,不知道有沒有打破該店紀錄… [photo] [photo] ▲打開南瓜蓋子裡面藏著名古屋名物 [photo] ▲噢~油光滿面看了食指大動 [photo] ▲有沒有看到比米飯還小的小魚刺 [photo] ▲見底,蓬萊鰻魚最高! 踉蹌奪門而出,緊接著是虐待胃部和腿部的運動, 鼓動腎上腺素全力直線衝刺,我跑校慶運動會從沒這麼拼命, 蓬萊軒你好樣的,有草薙劍加持果然不同凡響啊。 而且我跑直線也是幹蠢事,明明地下鐵伝馬町駅比較近, 我卻執意要往神宮西駅奔去,捨近求遠(錯誤3) 綜合以上3次失誤還可以在期限內達陣真不簡單,要給自己拍拍手了! 在金山駅月台上喘氣,總算篤定可以搭上無縫接軌的JR到名古屋, 胃裡湧上來的,是再一次的鰻魚飯感動… 回京都新幹線上,也是波波反芻等級提升的鰻魚後勁… 為了吃有要這樣嘛…有!如果是為了蓬萊軒。 假如時光倒轉,我寧願把清水寺賞楓行程早點結束XD [photo] ▲預備備,跨越這道門就要和時間競賽了 [photo] ▲滑溜溜的鰻魚人如我,輕巧鑽到月台 [photo] ▲Old friend~ 蓬萊軒本店 地址:名古屋市熱田区神戸503電話:052-671-8686營業時間:11:30~14:00 16:30~20:30 休日:禮拜三 交通:地下鐵名城線伝馬町駅走個五分鐘吧
The temple Kitanosan Shinpuku-ji Hosho-in in Nagoya, Aichi, is commonly known as Osu Kannon. The temple was originally built in 1333 in Gifu Prefecture, however, due to repeated flooding, it was moved to its present location in 1612 by Tokugawa Ieyasu. Today, the main hall is decorated with a large red paper lantern steadied with wires from its base; worshippers tie their wishes to these wires in hopes that they’ll be granted. An antique fair is also held on the temple grounds on the 18th and 28th of every month. The temple is also famous for its on-ground library with over 15,000 Japanese and Chinese Buddhist works. Among them is the oldest hand-written copy of the Kojiki, the earliest account of Japanese history. While worshippers flock to the grounds daily, you’ll also find flocks of pigeons—it’s a nice place to sit and admire the union of the surrounding city with the tranquility of the temple. Nearby visitors can also enjoy the Osu Shopping Arcade.
At the shopping districts near Osu Kannon Temple, there are two main shopping arcade streets: Niomon Dori and Banshoji Dori. The shopping district carries wares that make it comparable to Akihabara of Tokyo—with computer parts, costumes, figures, and games being commonly found. The area is also known for its fashion, food shops, recycle or second-hand stores, and electronic stores. There seems to be a little bit of everything in the Osu shopping arcade. If you’ve ever wanted to see a combination of Akihabara, Ginza, and Harajuku then you’ll be delighted with what you find in these streets. Many of the stores in the shopping arcade also offer a tax-free service, making this a great place to find souvenirs and big-ticket items you want to take home. The shops generally open around 11 am and close at 8 pm.
Oasis 21, located above Shin-Sakae Station in Nagoya, is a place for shopping and eating. Opened in 2002, this modern facility is across from Nagoya TV Tower. Oasis 21 has a sleek, sci-fi shape and is housed under a glass roof covered with water. Visit restaurants, clothing shops, toy stores, and with easy access to the Sake Underground, Oasis 21 seems to have it all—even a bus terminal. With interesting events scattered throughout the year, Oasis 21 is also called Milky Way Square and houses dance competitions, festivals, and even a skating rink in winter.