Nov 11th
Pocky and Pretz dominate snack food shelves, and have even gained popularity abroad
Pocky and Pretz dominate snack food shelves, and have even gained popularity abroad (Photo: Umpqua / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Pocky and Pretz Day 2025

A celebration of these much-loved Japanese snacks

Kim Bergström   - 1分鐘閱讀時間
時間 : Tuesday - Nov 11th 2025

Head into any convenience store or supermarket snack food aisle in Japan, and you're bound to see two main players on the shelves: Pocky and Pretz. Both are stick-shaped, but Pocky are dipped in chocolate, whereas Pretz are sprinkled with a variety of seasonings. They come in a wide range of flavors, with many seasonal options available at different times of the year. Pocky varieties have included the likes of sweet potato, pineapple, and chestnut, and Pretz varieties run the gamut with offerings like basil, cheese, and bacon flavors to name just a few.

A unique foodie-themed event held on November 11th each year is Pocky and Pretz Day, a celebration of these much-loved snacks. What is the significance of November 11th, you may be asking? The date (11/11) looks like the long and thin stick-shaped goodies! If you ever needed a reason to enjoy some deliciousness guilt-free, mark your calendars and save the date!

Kim Bergström

Kim Bergström @kim.b

Almost 12 years living in Asia. Passionate about Japan's off-the-beaten-path spots, family-friendly travel, flower events (all of them!) and the amazing tea culture here.  🍵🌼🌸